2022 Virtual Comparative Literature International Symposium:
A Taste of 2025 ICLA-Seoul Congress
“New Comparative Literature and World Literature in the Age of Hyper-Digital Connection:
Translation, Media, and Digital Humanities”.
Time: 3:00 PM to 12:00 AM, 29 October 2022 Korea Time
Platforms: Join Zoom Meeting:
Zoom ID: 838 8509 5059; Passcode: 2022
You Tube Link: https://youtu.be/9ePrMZWwIYEY
3:00-3:30 pm Korean Time
MC: Jooseong Kim, Dankook University, Former President of KEASTWEST
-Opening Remarks:Youngmin Kim, Chair, Organizing Committee, Executive Council Member of ICLA, Chair of International Committee of KEASTWEST, Dongguk University, Korea
Songju Na, President, KEASTWEST, Hankuk Univresity of Foreign Studies (HUFS), Korea
Jongwoo Lee, President, ELLAK: Hongik University, Korea
Eunsoo Chang, Director, Institute of Foreign Literature at Hankuk University of foreign Studies, Korea
Sandra Bermann, ICLA Former President: Princeton University, USA
Lucia Boldrini, ICLA President: University of London, Goldsmiths, UK
Ning Wang, CCLA Former President: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Haun Saussy, ACLA Former President: University of Chicago, USA
Massimo Fusillo, Chair of the Research Committee on Literatures Arts Media (CLAM), University of L’Aquila, Italy
Galin Tihanov, Honorary President of the ICLA Committee on Literary Theory, Queen Mary University of London, UK.
Vladimir Biti, Honorary President of the ICLA Committee on Literary Theory, University of Vienna, Austria
Svend Erik Larsen, Past General Treasurer of ICLA, Aarhus University. Denmark
Anne Tomiche, President of the French Comparative Literature Society, French General Secretary of the International Association of Comparative Literature, Vice-President of the ICLA. Sorbonne Université, France:
Ipshita Chanda, Secretary of ICLA, English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, India:
Cao Shunqing, Former President of China Comparative Literature Association (CCLA),
Sebastian Hsien-hao Liao, Former President of the Comparative Literature Association of Taiwan (ROC), National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
Paulo Lemos Horta, General Secretary of the International Association of Comparative Literature, New York University, USA
3:30-4:30 pm Korea Time
Part I: Keynote Sessions: I, II: (30 min each)
Keynote Speech I:Chair: Hyungji Park, Yonsei University
Sandra L. Bermann, Princeton University
“Translation, Migration and Digital Humanities”
Chair: Jihee Han, Gyeongsang National University
Lucia Boldrini, University of London Goldsmiths,
“Old and new questions for literature in the digital age”
4:30-4:45 pm: Q & A
4:45-5:00 pm: Break
Part II: Plenary Sessions
5:00-6:20 pm
Chair: Alex Taek-Gwang Lee, Kyung Hee University
Massimo Fusillo, University of L'Aquila, Italy
“Inter-mediality in Digital Media Environment”
Svend Erik Larsen, Aarus University, Denmark
“Analogical reasoning: the horizontality of world literature”.
Ning Wang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
“Digital Humanities in Contemporary Studies of Comparative and World Literature”
6:20-6:30 pm: Break
6:30-7:50 pm
Session II: 6:30-7:50 pm (80 min: 20 min each x 3 = 60 min + Q & A 20 min + speakers intro 5 min) Session II. Theory and World LiteratureChair: Seogkwang Lee, Gyeongsang National University
Cao Shunqing, Sichuan University, China
“The Comparative Literary Hermeneutics”
Vladimir Biti, University of Vienna, Austria
“Goethe's Weltliteratur as a trauma narrative”
Galin Tihanov, Queen Mary University of London
“World Literature and Literary Theory: a Reconsideration”
7:50-8:00 pm: Break
8:00-9:20 pm
Chair: Hyungji Park, Yonsei University
Haun Saussy, University of Chicago, USA
“Translation, Adaptation and Repurposing: Where Writers and Scholars Often Diverge”
Anne Tomiche, University of Paris, Sorbonne, France
“Comparative Literature and Gender Studies in the Digital Age”
Paulo Lemos Horta, New York University Abu Dhabi, USA
“World Literature and Digital unrest: Maryse Condé and the New Academy Prize”
9:20-9:30 pm: Break
9:30-10:50 pm
Session IV: (80 min: 20 min each x 3 = 60 min + Q & A 20 min + speakers intro 5 min) Session IV. New Comparative World Literature in the Digital AgeChair: Heejin Kim, Assistant Professor of English, Kyungpook National University
Sebastian Hsien-hao Liao, National Taiwan University
“Would It Ever ‘Want’?: Creativity in the Age of AI”
Ipshita Chanda, English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, India:
“Virtual Alterities: The Ethics of Relation and ‘World’ Literature”
Youngmin Kim, Dongguk University/Hangzhou Normal University
“Transductive Reading of Comparative Literature and Digital Humanities”
10:50 -11:00 pm: Break:
11:00-11:50 pm
Part III: Roundtable DiscussionChair: Youngmin Kim
'New Directions of Comparative World Literature in the Age of the Digital Technology'
Sandra L. Bermann, Princeton University, USA
Vladimir Biti, University of Vienna, Austria
Lucia Boldrini, University of London Goldsmiths, UK
Ipshita Chanda, EFLU of Hyderabad, India
Massimo Fusillo, University of L'Aquila, Italy
Paulo Horta, New York University Abu Dhabi, Arab Emirates
Svend Erik Larsen, Aarus University, Denmark
Sebastian Hsien-hao Liao, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Haun Saussy, University of Chicago, USA
Cao Shunqing, Sichuan University, China
Galin Tihanov, Queen Mary University of London, UK
Anne Tomiche, University of Paris, Sorbonne, France
Ning Wang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Heejin Kim, Kyungpook National University, Korea
Alex Taek-Gwang Lee, Kyung Hee University, Korea
Seogkwang Lee, Gyeongsang National University, Korea
Hyungji Park, Yonsei University, Korea
Jihee Han, Gyeongsang National University, Korea
11:50 pm - 12:00 am
Closing Remarks:
'2025 ICLA Seoul'